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Monday, February 28, 2005

Inspired by an odd juxtaposition of library books at a friend's house this weekend, my dreams gave me a fantastic idea for a reality TV show.

In order for me to describe it without an infinity of nested quotation marks and/or parentheses, you have to make the following erroneous assumption: Reality television is real/fact/true/non-fiction. 'Kay? Still with me? Okay, here we go:

It's a fictitious reality show (see what I mean about that assumption you have to make?), set in a world where books talk and interact with each other, with personalities vaguely analogous to their textual content. The show's HQ is a library, wherein books live relatively peacefully with their neighbors on the alphabetical or subject-sorted shelves.

Books are checked out in groups, and each week, producers follow borrowed batches to their temporary homes. The drama happens when library patrons take home potentially clashy or romantically-linked books. When someone checks out Evolution of Species and It Couldn't Just Happen: Fascinating Facts about God's World, knock-down-drag-out fun ensues! Or check out the will-they-or-won't-they romantic entanglement that occurs when Still Life With Woodpecker and Just a Couple of Days spend the night on a waterbed after their patron goes to sleep!

It could be called "Sub Text"! Or "Check It Out!", or "Book 'em!"

Okay, I'll stop.
Library synchronicity! Obviously Monday is International Library Day or something. Am now thinking of cool book combos....

i totally want to watch that show now.

when i was in nicaragua, many nights our fun would include reading sentences to each other out of the books on our shelf. the best times were when someone would have a history or economics book, someone else a book on religion, and someone else a copy of the "where there's no doctor" medical guide:

the little flower would often go into ecstasies when meditating on the blessed sacrament, but the sandinistas would prove better revolutionaries than governors. if you notice a cloudy discharge, seek medical help immediately.

I hope to one day see my "Trading Spices" reality show see fruition. A reality show such that two chefs have to prepare meals using the other's equipment and ingredients. Think Iron Chef meets Trading Spouses.

sum, as you friend and as a public librarian, i wholeheartedly support this project! now, every time i am in the shelves, i am sure to be snickering and giggling as i bring tomes together!

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